Mark, Robo & Di
Many thanks Vera and Klaus for hosting us during the World Masters Games in Auckland, late April 2017. Our success at the Games, one gold medal and one bronze medal between us was due in no small measure to the high quality hospitality (and in particular the breakfasts!) which set us up for each day's competition. Vielen Dank! M. Bethwaite (Member of the Order of Australia)
Yes, all of that plus great views, wonderful tranquility, and the drive way challenge ! Robo & Di
Cushla & Paul
New Zealand
Thank you for wonderful hospitality! Feel I've known you for years! Please come and see us up north - Tutukaka Coast at Ngunguru.
Rob & alex
Thank you so much for your warm hospitality during our stay. You made us feel so welcome ! Your home is charming - so full of treasureres.
A special thank you Vera for sharing your wealth of information about N.Z. as we set forth on our brief tour! All the best.
Hanspeter & Susanne
Ganz herzlichen Dank für Eure Gastfreundschaft. Leider müsse wir jetzt von Eurem schönen Heim Abschied nehmen was uns gar nicht leicht fällt! Lieben Dank
Gillian & Uwe, Ben, Alex
Florida, USA
Vielen Dank für Eure tolle Gastfreundschaft und fü den Einblick in Eure Welt - für uns als "auch"-Auswanderer in die USA war es schön, von Euren Erfahrungen in Neuseeeland zu hören. Ganz lieben Dnak nochmla für alles!
corinna & Manfred
...hin und weg! gerade da und schon gleich wieder weg-wie schade !! So ein nettes Fleckchen Erde habt Ihr hier für Euch und andere geschaffen-vielen Dank dafür !!
Ward & Odett
New Zealand
Thank you so much for the fantastic stay at your place! We directly felt very welcome and it was amazing to get picked up from the airport even when it was already late. We really enjoyed the fresh and tasty breakfast, a good start in the day. The sauna was a real highlight, thank you for that! Highly recommended, we hope to visit again soon.
Harry & Sandra
DANKE für diese wunderschöne Unterkunft. Diese Zeit bei Euch bleibt uns unvergessen. Ganz liebe Grüsse aus Südtirol.
I will miss you, your knowlede and your sincerity. I feel like I have known you for many years. I learnt a lot about the history and culture from you for which I'm very grateful. Best of all, you are the best chef - the dish with fish has to be the best I ever had (of course, my sister's chinese version is as good). Klaus is the luckiest man to be married to you. I wish you the best of luck in your travel business. Hope to see you again in the future - you never know.